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Lord Antitidae must be stopped…

Yes, this is a Q&A with the cat in the Lost Mine of Phandelver. If the players cast Speak With Animals, they’ll find there’s more to this old Tom than meets the eye. Learn about his past as the heroic warrior Dark Song, heed his warnings about the dreaded good Lord Antitidae, and help him in his quest to get treats.


A wisp of a cat, Buddy is a small tortoiseshell tomcat who has clearly seen better days. He has ragged fur belying his age, and several chunks missing from his ears. He wheezes slightly with every breath. Despite his obvious frailty, his green eyes burn with intensity and purpose. He’s affectionate, weaving easily between the legs of anyone who greets him kindly.

I am Dark Song, once my colony’s finest warrior and now the guardian of this place. You would do well to treat Big Cat and Big Kitten well, for my rages were once the legend of my people. I set out in my old age from my colony, as retirement suited not my spirit. Now, I stand firm against the forces of evil in this Furless colony. Tell me – you don’t conspire with The Goose, do you, outsiders?

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